Building dreams since 1986

Within our portfolio, there exists a collection of heritage projects that encapsulate the essence of architectural exploration and preservation. These projects, spearheaded by architect Enrique, delve into various vernacular techniques, materials, and cultural narratives. While we strive to showcase our projects with high-quality imagery, some of these endeavors predate the digital era or lack extensive photographic documentation. Nevertheless, they stand as testaments to our commitment to honoring and revitalizing architectural heritage.

SINCE 1986


Casa Alegría

Casa Trillby

Casa Tejas

Casa Luna

Casa Tomasina

Casa Fiesta

"These heritage projects stand as pillars of our architectural philosophy, embodying a commitment to preserving, honoring, and reimagining the rich tapestry of global architectural heritage. Despite limited photographic documentation, their enduring legacy inspires our ongoing exploration of architectural traditions."